ICW Group is proud to participate in International Fraud Awareness Week, a week in November dedicated to spreading public awareness surrounding the topic of fraud and what we can all do to defend against its many forms. Established by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), this weeklong campaign encourages business leaders and employees to proactively take steps to minimize the impact of fraud by promoting fraud awareness education.

To mark International Fraud Awareness Week, ICW Group will host a fraud prevention webinar on Thursday, November 16, at 11 a.m. PST. Registration is now open. Join our Special Investigations Unit to learn the warning signs of workers’ comp fraud and what you can do to prevent it from harming your business. We hope to see you there.

Visit the ACFE’s Fraud Week website for additional ideas on how you can promote fraud awareness at your workplace. International Fraud Awareness Week takes place November 12-18.