ICW Group’s 7-part training series, Work Comp Fraud: Spot it & Stop it, provides information and resources to help you prevent workers’ compensation fraud and mitigate the likelihood that a fraudulent claim will emanate from their workforce.

A common theme across the installments of the training series is a simple one: the best way to prevent a fraudulent claim is to prevent the injury from ever occurring in the first place. Seems self-explanatory, but this simple idea could be one of the most powerful tools in an employer’s fraud-fighting arsenal.  

When legitimate injury turns to fraud

The key is recognizing that not all fraudulent claims start that way. Legitimate injury incidents can evolve into an attempt to extend a claim or exaggerate injury complaints aimed at inflating a claim. Whether it be financial pressures, bad advice from peers, or enticing attorney advertisements on TV, a legitimate claim can later become fraudulent. So how do you reduce that risk?  By improving the safety protocols, equipment, and standards of your workforce. 

ICW Group’s Risk Management team partners with ICW Group policyholders to reduce injuries and create a culture of safety. As an ICW Group policyholder, you have access to all the tools and resources needed to develop a safer work environment for your employees. We partner with you to create a culture of safety in your company that results in everyone, at all levels, working together to adopt, implement and uphold the highest safety standards.

We also offer preventable safety materials through our online safety management and training system Safety OnDemand. Here you can find over 5,000 safety resources with hundreds of topics in Spanish and English. Watch a short video about how helpful Safety OnDemand can be to your injury prevention strategy. 

Want more information about how to improve your workplace safety, thereby preventing fraudulent claims in the process? Check out our full suite of resources.