Pay your premium invoice easily and securely via the myResource.
EZ-Pay is a service offered in partnership with PNC Bank.
For questions about paying an invoice, contact
To make a payment using our automated phone system, please call 888-339-0843.
A copy of your invoice will be needed to complete the transaction.
Your account number is the 10-digit number in the center of the invoice (to the right of policy number). For example 5000099999.
Refer to our automated phone system guide for additional information.
Make your check payable to “ICW Group”. Please include your account # or policy # and coupon/remittance with your check.
Regular Delivery
ICW Group
PO Box 31001-3421
Pasadena, CA 91110-3421
Overnight Delivery
PNC Bank C/O Insurance Company of the West
Lockbox Number 913421
Pasadena Tech Center
465 N. Halstead St Ste. 160
Pasadena, CA 91107
If you are a pay-as-you-go customer, use EZ-Report to report your interim payroll and calculate your premium.
At the end of the policy period, ICW will conduct a Final Audit to verify payroll classification reported along with a review of your operations to ensure the premium changed for your policy is accurate. The Final Audit may result in a premium adjustment.
While most of the payroll rules are the same, see below for possible exceptions in your state.
California: Do not include the value of lodging or meals, except as specified in certain class codes or if provided in lieu of wages. Exclude employee contributions to a section 125 plan (other than contributions to pension or deferred compensation plans). Include prevailing wage vacation and holiday fringe benefits, even when paid to a third party administrator.
See the California Time Record Requirements (PDF). If the auditor is unable to verify classifications at the time of audit, all payroll must be placed in the highest rate, regardless of the wage level.