Customer Testimonials

Are you getting the most value for your work comp dollar?

You should be – and your work comp carrier should be by your side to help. Choosing the best workers’ compensation carrier can be a daunting task but, with ICW Group you’ll know you’ve made the right choice. If you’re looking for a carrier who puts you first, look to ICW Group.

Rick Sweeney of Straub Distributing Company's customer testimonial page.

Straub Distributing Company

Rick Sweeney
General Manager
Anaheim, CA

Before ICW Group, Straub Distributing Company was meeting the minimum safety requirements, but injuries were on the rise. Through the trusted advice of his work comp agent, Rick partnered with ICW Group and built a comprehensive safety program from the ground up. Straub Distributing Company is now a much safer and more productive company.

Jenny Rodriguez of Western Pacific Pulp and Paper's customer testimonial page.

Western Pacific Pulp and Paper

Jenny Rodriquez
Human Resource Director
Newark, CA

Jenny feels the difference between her previous insurance company and ICW Group is like “night and day.” She loves the attention she and her claims receive from her dedicated work comp agent and ICW Group. Jenny vividly describes an instance where ICW Group went well beyond her service expectations to care for an injured worker.

Jerry Salveson of Andrew Lauren Interiors' customer testimonial page.

Andrew Lauren Interiors

Jerry Salveson
Santa Fe Springs, CA

When Jerry and his management team acquired the company, work comp fraud was rampant. Jerry was dissatisfied with how his work comp carrier at the time was handing the situation, so he partnered with ICW Group. Since then, Jerry has seen an “absolute sea change” in the company’s culture and productivity.

Chris Malec of JAC Masonry's customer testimonial page.

JAC Masonry, Inc.

Chris Malec
Vice President of Finance
Lake Villa, IL

As the safety and finance director for a Chicago masonry business, Chris knows how important it is keep his team safe and his costs down. With the help of ICW Group and his work comp agent, Chris completely revamped his safety program, lowering his ex-mod and earning sizable premium savings.